Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's a pluperfect summer Saturday afternoon.  After a gloomy, rainy (much needed) day on Thursday we had a glorious Friday and today's the same.  On the balcony in the sun the temperature is 30ºC (86ºF).  On the patio behind the house in the shade, it's probably somewhere comfortable in the 70's F.  The windows are open letting in a refreshing breeze and I'm spending time at the sewing machine.  Bach's Brandenburg Concerti are on the CD player.  I'm feeling blissful!

During the week I sew quite purposefully, that is, to get those quilts made!  But on the weekends I let myself sew just for fun.  So today I'm back to the "Picket Fences" quilt. Here's a completed quarter block:

I will be demonstrating this block to the Pieceful Stitchers in September, and I always like to have a completed sample made for inspiration, so there is a certain amount of "purposefulness" to this afternoon's sewing.  But, hey, it's a beautiful summer Saturday so I don't even mind that I need to pick out stitches here and there.

The light coloured section is supposed to be on the right hand of the bottom strip.  Even on the simplest block it's possible to make mistakes!

Regarding Thursday's dumb mistake--I simply sewed the ripped-off piece of fabric back onto the backing.  Too bad to have a pieced backing when that wasn't necessary, but this quilt is for us, so it's no big deal.  We won't even notice it when it's on the bed.  Just so long as the top turns out well, and, so far, it seems that it will.

Here are a few snaps of how the four grandkids spent much of their time during our reunion:

Used to be when the grandkids were here we had a very busy time keeping them amused.  Now they amuse themselves, all four of them at the same time.  I'm just not so sure this is a good idea.  Perhaps it's better to spend time reading, sewing, knitting and playing games together!

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