Monday, December 25, 2017


I wish for each of you a VERY BLESSED CHRISTMAS!  Merry is wonderful but BLESSED means a lasting gift of grace, something to help you through this coming year.
We look back on this past year with its blessings and its problems and come to the conclusion that we are greatly blessed.

Jim celebrated his 80th birthday on the 16th of this month; I will follow with my 77th in March.  We have become very aware that our time here together is limited.  That does impact the way we treat each other; we have become much quicker to talk over whatever disagreements or irritations come up because we both have a deep love for one another and want to help the other live a good, fulfilling life for the rest of our days.

We are aware that this is not possible without the grace of God in our lives.  We are not in ourselves good and kind, but the transforming love of God in our lives and our gratitude and love back to him bring us to a state where his grace can operate in our relationship.  That's a wonderful state to be in at this time of life!  Or at any time of life.

That's our Christmas wish for each of you: that the gift of Christ's salvation may transform your life by grace.  So we wish you a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and then next week, a new year in which that grace can transform your life into one you can rightly call BLESSED.

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