Monday, March 27, 2017


Although the temperature still dips below freezing overnight, there are many signs of Spring around.  This morning M. and I saw (and heard) a long line of geese flying north and I saw my first robin in the pussywillow tree.

Our dinner menu features Steelhead Trout, my favourite fish.  What goes well with fish?  I like Herbed Corn and Couscous.

1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels (about 2 ears)
1 TBS butter, melted in
3/4 cup chicken broth
Bring to a boil.
1/2 cup couscous
2 TBS minced fresh chives.
Turn off heat and let stand, covered for about 5 minutes.

Well, today fresh chives are available, peeking out from under the snow and old, dried shoots.  I managed to cut a small handful, washed them and used a long tweezers to separate the chives from the "chaff".

It's even nice enough to hang out the wash, even though there is still a small pile of snow on the cement slab under the clothesline.  AAAAH!  Love the smell of sheets hung out to dry!  (They're still in the basket at this point.)

1 comment:

  1. Just love the looks of laundry on the line and the fresh smell of sheets that have dried outside.
