Thursday, March 9, 2017


When we were in Arizona in January, someone who lived there full-time told me it was the coldest, rainiest January in 22 years.  Well, he said, "The worst January in 22 years!" We did notice that we had to have the heat on every morning and sometimes left it on for the whole day, just to keep the indoor temperature up to 70ºF.

Now in Alberta we are having what must be record-breaking cold.  This morning the thermometer on the balcony registered -25ºC, or -10ºF.  That's COLD!!!

When we came here in the second week of February, the temperatures were mild and there was a big Spring melt going on.  Soon after that the temperatures fell and so did the snow. Now it feels like the very depths of winter.  I'm missing the daily walks with my friend, M.

But as long as it's indoors weather, I hope to get some sewing done and finish the donation quilt top.  Maybe even finish that quilt before the next Quilt Club meeting on Tuesday.  That would make this time worthwhile.  Or maybe I should do some spring cleaning, the kitchen cupboards, perhaps.

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