Sunday, October 7, 2018


I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful concert this afternoon: Jonathan and Victoria Okseniuk performed on violin and piano at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Sun City West, AZ.  Victoria, 10 years old, accompanied her 12 year old brother on just one song: a lovely hymn arrangement.  Jonathan starred in the whole of the program, on both violin and piano.

We didn't have a printed program, so this is the order of the music from my sometimes faulty memory.  Jonathan began with a Bach unaccompanied partita, I think it was #3, the Minuet and one other movement.  We listeners were awed at his facility and nuance in the performance.  He followed that up with a movement of a Mendelssohn violin concerto, accompanied by his piano teacher (whose name I don't have).  Again we were amazed that a 12 year old could perform at that level.  That was followed by three numbers: a Fritz Kreisler piece (lots of fireworks) a Chopin Mazurka, performed on piano by Jonathan, and a piano duet with his teacher, written by Mozart.

Jonathan then played a lovely hymn arrangement (forgot which hymn) and then Victoria accompanied him as he played a violin arrangement of another hymn (likewise forgotten, even though recognized and enjoyed in the hearing of it).

There was a short quiet time as a collection was taken up to help support these young musicians and their parents.

The program was concluded with a piece by Saint Saens, another brilliant display of mastery of musicianship by the very accomplished and very mature young violinist.  The concert was a "rip-roaring success" as proved by the very enthusiastic and sustained applause of all present.

There was opportunity right afterwards for photos and I was able to capture a few:
Jonathan, the piano teacher/accompanist, and Victoria:

The Okseniuk family:

I give a great deal of credit to Mr. and Mrs. Okseniuk.  No young musicians reach this level of mastery without the total and complete support of their parents.  As Mr. Okseniuk remarked to me: Most of the credit goes to their mother!  As a retired Suzuki violin teacher, I recognize the depth and extent of their support of and involvement with their children.  Congratulations all around!

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