Monday, November 28, 2011

So Much Going On!

So much has happened since I last posted that it seems like it was a month ago!

On Sunday the 20th we got up early (5 a.m.), had a quick breakfast and hit the road to Iron Springs, a very small town north of Lethbridge where Jim had a preaching appointment.  In the 70's we lived a short drive west of Iron Springs and we are still well acquainted in that area.  It was a very cold day, but the roads were all clear and driving was no problem.  We had a good time visiting there and stayed overnight with friends from Nobleford who had come to the service especially to hear Jim preach again.  It was a nice little holiday, and we returned home by noon on Monday.

Tuesday Dickens had an appointment with the vet to have his inoculations and be neutered.  They also showed me how to clip his nails so he doesn't do me so much "loving" damage.  Before I even reached home after bringing him there they were on the phone to let us know a surprising discovery: he had already been neutered!  That means that he is not the simple stray that I thought he was; he belonged to somebody.  We are quite puzzled, because we know all the cats in this rural neighborhood, and he wasn't one of them.  Several friends have suggested that a townperson dropped him off in the country to get rid of him, but why would they do that when he's such an appealing, good-natured cat?  The vet also assured me, based on checking his teeth, that he is at least a year old, and perhaps as much as a year and a half.  Well, that saved us about $95, so all to the good!

Tuesday the quilting club met and finished up all the quilts for Slave Lake:
There was quite a stack of them, and very attractive quilts, too.  We had our picture taken and the next day I submitted a little write up on our activities to the local weekly newspaper.  We have lately been asking for donations from local service clubs and governments to help defray the cost of these quilts that we give away.  We are blest to receive quite a few donations of fabric, but batting and backings add up. Perhaps reading about all the quilts we give away and seeing the picture will help us raise some money to continue this good work.

On Wednesday we had our last rehearsal of the string group and the community choir before our performances on Friday and Saturday.  We were in good shape--knew our music well and were quite confident of a good performance, even though choir had had only four rehearsals.  And truly, the Christmas program given on both nights was a great success!  I was very happy with the performances, and, judging by the applause and the appreciative comments, so was the audience.

Sunday was the first time I met with the accordian group who have asked me to conduct them in a concert to be given in January.  This is organized by Rosebud School of the Arts and is a fundraiser for the Badlands Passion Play.  The Community Choir has also been asked to take part in the concert.  The rehearsal took place at a home that is a 25 minute drive from here. It was early afternoon when we went, and the wind was severe.  It only got worse flinging dust and gravel against the van as we went along and almost pushing us off the road.  We learned later that it was up to hurricane force in Calgary and did a huge amount of damage there.  Trees were down all over the city, semis were overturned on the highway, and there were so many windows blown out in the downtown core that the entire downtown was closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.  We were fortunate to be spared such heavy damage as our area is about 50 kilometers further east.  It was a record breaking storm.

Sometime over that busy weekend I managed to get the sleeve for granddaughter's sweater back on the light knitter to add a few inches.  The stupid thing is that I had originally made the sleeve about that much longer and then raveled it back to this shorter length.  When I finish fixing the sleeves and sewing them back on, I need to start the other sweater for her sister.  We will see them in the middle of December, which is also when they both have their birthday, so this is a priority!

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