Monday, January 28, 2013

Good Morning, Moon

Two view of the moon in the morning, looking west from the balcony:
And turning around and looking east, no sun yet, but the sky is becoming light.
I did darken the exposure on the first two pictures to highlight the moon's pearly circle.  Sorry for the awkward placement of the photos.  I'm having many problems getting the photos into place today.  Sometimes blogger is like that!

You can enlarge these photos by clicking on them.  Looking in the window to the sewing/computer room, you can see S's quilt on the design wall.  

The snow load on the balcony is receding, but we are scheduled to receive more snow this evening, and on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I'm really tired of seeing only snow, and long for some green, but it's months away.  Yesterday at church I was chatting with a contractor who has been working outdoors all winter.  If I'm tired of snow, I don't know what to call how he is feeling at this point.

He said, Every morning I get up and I know that I will be really cold.  He's applying metal roofs to buildings and said, that metal is really cold!  I realize I should be thankful that all my work is indoors!

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